Saturday, October 22, 2011

Current Event IV

Jakub 6B
 Herschel Finds Oceans of Water in Disk of Nearby Star

 Whitney Clavin

 This article tells about a scientist finding a water disk around a young planet. The water disk is around the planet filled up with vapor water. Scientists believe that this is common around the universe. There evidence that its common is that, they have seen other galaxies with these strange formations. In conclusion, this article talks about a scientist discovering a water disk in space.

I think this could very important in the future. Water disks could help us survive and populate other planets using this water. If we ever get to that place 175 light years away from us than we drink this water. This is to early to get there but in the future this could be possible. I think this disk is our help.

1 comment:

  1. This could be a touristic destination in about a million years! They can put it in the Galaxy Travel Guide! Than we can swim, dive and bathe in that water! Good job, good job old chum! :D
